Please Click Here for a Copy of our Program Agenda!
Day 1:Thursday, November 1st
Session 1: 8:30am - 12:00pm
The Placenta and Prematurity
Preterm birth, inflammation, and cerebral palsy: molecular imaging and nanotechnology - Dr. Roberto Romero
Placental failure: causes and consequences - Dr. George Saade
When you can't prevent prematurity - Dr. Alan Flake
Session 2: 1:00pm - 4:00pm
Functional Imaging of the Fetal Brain and Placenta
Advanced in vivo functional imaging: interrogating the placenta-brain connection - Dr. Antonio Frias
Emerging functional brain connectivity in the fetus - Dr. Moriah Thomason
Cortical development in the ex-utero fetus - Dr. Jeffrey Neil
Evening Reception
Day 2: Friday, November 2nd
Clinical Applications Breakfast Sessions: 8:00am - 9:30am
Management of the complicated transitional period - Dr. Dan Licht and Dr. Gil Wernovsky
Neurogenetic counseling of the fetal patient - Dr. Paul Kruszka and Ms. Meg Menzel
Fetal infectious encephalopathies - Dr. Roberta DeBiasi and Dr. Sarah Mulkey
Fetal MRI as a neurodiagnostic tool - Dr. Gilbert Vezina and Dr. Matthew Whitehead
Session 3: 9:40am - 12:30pm
Monitoring Brain Well-being in the High Risk Newborn
Monitoring the immature brain in crisis: Targeting the relevant pathophysiology - Dr. Adré du Plessis
Lost in Transition- Monitoring the brain using EEG in the early newborn period - Dr. Geraldine Boylan
EEG in the preterm infant: windows on neuronal connectivity - Dr. Mark Scher
Session 4: 1:30pm - 4:30pm
The Opioid Epidemic and the Fetal Brain
The neurobiology of addiction - Dr. Aaron White
The opioid exposed dyad and neonatal abstinence syndrome - Dr. Lauren Jansson
Developmental outcome of children with prenatal opioid exposure - Dr. Barry Lester